
Book: Men and Women of Proverbs


SKU: 05 Men and Women of Proverbs Categories: ,

Find yourself in the “Men and Women of Proverbs.” Do you display the actions of an angry man or does your life portray the righteous man? Do you have the characteristics of a strange woman or do you epitomize the wise woman? By studying the characteristics and actions of the men and women of Proverbs, we can learn more about ourselves and how to receive God’s blessings on our lives. This is a fantastic tool for personal study, classroom lessons, or just casual everyday reading. Find out whom you best resemble and then you can start learning to become the Christian God wants you to be. Book is 240 pages.

Price per 1:  $8.00

Price Break Discount : 10 or More:  $6.00 each

Language: English

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.3 in
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