Consider Him Curriculum – Parables


Consider Him is a curriculum designed to aid Christians as they consider 31 different parables that Christ taught. Each parable has multiple applications for the Christian to discover. Some of the parables studied in Consider Him lessons are well-known; yet others are less mentioned, but there is a lesson to be learned from each parable.

Although Consider Him was written with Sunday school classes in mind, these lessons may be easily used for Christian school or college Bible curriculum, youth group devotions, or Bible study groups. They are also ideal for any child of God who desires to learn from the Words of Christ recorded in scripture.

An outline is included for each parable, as well as a color sheet, and a junior handout. In addition, full color, laminated flashcards for children are also included.  Additional sets of flashcards may be purchased if needed.

LESSON 1: Salt and Light
LESSON 2: Mote and Beam
LESSON 3: Creditor and Two Debtors
LESSON 4: Good Samaritan
LESSON 5: Unjust Steward
LESSON 6: Wise Steward
LESSON 7: Rich Fool
LESSON 8: Wise and Foolish Builders
LESSON 9: Unjust Judge
LESSON 10: Lowest Seat
LESSON 11: Building a Tower & Going to War
LESSON 12: Wheat and Tares
LESSON 13: Barren Fig Tree
LESSON 14: Leaven in the Meal
LESSON 15: Good Shepherd
LESSON 16: Labourers in the Vineyard
LESSON 17: Two Sons
LESSON 18: Talents
LESSON 19: Sower, Seed, and Soils
LESSON 20: Wise and Foolish Virgins
LESSON 21: Householder and His Vineyard
LESSON 22: Pharisee and the Publican
LESSON 23: Mustard Seed
LESSON 24: Importunate Friend
LESSON 25: Ten Servants
LESSON 26: Master and His Servant
LESSON 27: Lost Sheep, Silver, and Coin
LESSON 28: Good and Bad Fruit Trees
LESSON 29: Marriage Feast
LESSON 30: Pearl of Great Price
LESSON 31: Watchful Servants

Weight 1.36 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1.5 in
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