Consider Him Curriculum – Revelation


Consider Him is a curriculum designed to aid Christians as they consider 31 lessons on the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Each lesson can benefit every Christian. Some of the truths studied in Consider Him lessons are well-known; yet others are less mentioned, but there are many lessons to be learned from each one.

Although Consider Him was written with Sunday school classes in mind, these lessons may be easily used for Christian school or college Bible curriculum, youth group devotions, or Bible study groups. They are also ideal for any child of God who desires to learn from the Revelation of Christ recorded in scripture.

An outline is included for each lesson, as well as a chart, and a full color, laminated flashcards.  Additional sets of flashcards may be purchased if needed.

LESSON 1:  The Book of Revelation
LESSON 2:  The Life of John
LESSON 3:  Jesus Christ
LESSON 4:  Church of Ephesus
LESSON 5:  Church of Smyrna
LESSON 6:  Church of Pergamos
LESSON 7:  Church of Thyatira
LESSON 8:  Church of Sardis
LESSON 9:  Church of Philadelphia
LESSON 10:  Church of Laodicea
LESSON 11:  Rapture of the Church
LESSON 12:  God on the Throne
LESSON 13:  Seven Sealed Book
LESSON 14:  Sealed Judgements
LESSON 15:  Sealing of the 144,000
LESSON 16:  Trumpet Judgements
LESSON 17:  Mighty Angel and the Little Book
LESSON 18:  Two Witnesses
LESSON 19:  A Great Wonder in Heaven
LESSON 20:  The Anti-Christ
LESSON 21:  The False Prophet
LESSON 22:  Battle of Armageddon
LESSON 23:  Vial Judgements
LESSON 24:  Religious Babylon
LESSON 25:  Commercial & Political Babylon
LESSON 26:  Second Coming of Christ
LESSON 27:  Millennial Reign of Christ
LESSON 28:  The Great White Throne Judgment
LESSON 29:  New Heaven & New Earth
LESSON 30:  Forever and Forever
LESSON 31:  Behold, I Come Quickly

Weight 1.36 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1.5 in
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