Consider Him Curriculum – Sermon on the Mount


Consider Him is a curriculum designed to aid Christians as they consider 31 different lessons on the Sermon on the Mount that Christ taught. Each lesson has multiple applications for the Christian to discover. Some of the lessons studied in Consider Him lessons are well-known; yet others are less mentioned, but there is a lesson to be learned from each verse.

Although Consider Him was written with Sunday school classes in mind, these lessons may be easily used for Christian school or college Bible curriculum, youth group devotions, or Bible study groups. They are also ideal for any child of God who desires to learn from the Words of Christ recorded in scripture.

An outline is included for each lesson, as well as a color sheet, and a junior handout. In addition, full color, laminated flashcards for children are also included.  Additional sets of flashcards may be purchased if needed.


Lessons Included:

LESSON 1 The Poor in Spirit
LESSON 2 They That Mourn
LESSON 3 The Meek
LESSON 4 Hungering & Thirsting After Righteousness
LESSON 5 The Merciful
LESSON 6 The Pure in Heart
LESSON 7 Peacemakers
LESSON 8 The Persecuted
LESSON 9 Christian’s Influence
LESSON 10 Keeping the Least Commandments
LESSON 11 Being Angry With Your Brother
LESSON 12 Lust in the Heart
LESSON 13 Divorce
LESSON 14 Tell the Truth
LESSON 15 Revenge
LESSON 16 Love Your Enemies
LESSON 17 Be Ye Perfect
LESSON 18 Giving
LESSON 19 Secret Prayer
LESSON 20 The Model Prayer
LESSON 21 Fasting
LESSON 22 Your Treasures
LESSON 23 No Thought for Tomorrow
LESSON 24 Judge Not
LESSON 25 Pearl Before Swine
LESSON 26 Ask, Seek, Knock
LESSON 27 The Golden Rule
LESSON 28 Two Ways
LESSON 29 False Teachers
LESSON 30 False Christians
LESSON 31 Wise and Foolish Builders

Weight 1.36 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1.5 in
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